When Life-Saving Rules Make You Want to Die

The problem here is that I don’t know which rules are more important than others. Science may give us some info on this. However, your location, your town’s population density, your medical history, and your age, job, or whatever else may be equally important. Just be aware. Keep in mind your area’s hospital capacity. Keep in mind your neighbor’s worries. Keep in mind your obligations. Keep in mind the legitimate authority of the government. Keep it all in mind, and then make your decisions.

So, to my readers: Wear a mask, or at least be ready to wear a mask. Learn how to be kind to people who have different opinions about what they value. Be kind. Don’t be harsh. Be ready to serve. Don’t be judgmental. Celebrate your freedom, especially your freedom to love and serve one another.

But What If the Markers Were Correct? The Legal Discrimination and Mandatory Segregation For Those With Cystic Fibrosis

A story about cystic fibrosis and genetics has been making rounds on the internet fairly recently. Many people and many publications are talking about it. A student was removed from school because of his “genes.” The student (child A) with “genetic markers of cystic fibrosis” was removed from school and sent away merely because of a test he received as…