A Series For Christians, Citizens, Brothers, and Riots

The last series of mine (here, here, here, here, and here) was perhaps the first time in my life that I have ever been absolutely and completely alone in my opinion about a very important matter. I’ve been alone in some things, but not like that. But from what I can tell from my stats on readers, it was at least believed to be worth the read.

In this series, I might also be just as alone in my opinion of things, but I hope it will not be as unpopular as the last one. I appreciate the lively discussion, and I take no offense to the understandable passion from my friends and readers. I’m passionate, too. Seriously, no offense in the slightest was taken. My skin is thicker than even my head.

The goal of this series is to bring my friends, the readers, my country, and my faith together around a common goal in light of these confusing and dangerous times. I want to think through how to fix our country, but we have serious problems, so this will not be short.

There will be four parts to this series, and the links to these individual posts are as follows:

The first post is already complete. The others will be linked as they are finished.

The Reason I Have Chosen to Write

I have chosen to write because I believe I am rather unique in my strange interests and beliefs, and I think it has given me an opportunity to share a perspective that no one else has.

First, I am a Christian (that is not all that unique). Second, I have a very keen interest in philosophy and how it applies to our politics, religion, and society (that is somewhat unique). Third, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I do not believe in “rights” in the way they are being talked about in society (that is very unique). And finally, I am an attorney who has experience representing police officers (that is applicable to the current moment).

With this, I believe my experience is enough to give some level of beneficial knowledge. With that knowledge, I hope to give some clarifying observations, identify real problems, exhort with hard encouragement, and offer a small suggestion for the underlying our nation’s current moment.

Though I am no scholar, I am confident that I have a higher-than-ordinary general understanding of police policies, including use-of-force policies. Where I lack, I have friends and colleagues who can fill in gaps.

Also, as I’m sure it will be As for my own views on the deaths of African Americans at the hands of police (and others), including Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Philando Castile, Ahmad Aubrey, now George Floyd, and many others, my reaction has ranged from absolute incredulity and anger to a sad recognition of the reasons for the tragic event.

I will not pretend I am “unbiased” (is anyone?). But I will adamantly proclaim that I speak in good faith, and my words should be taken as such. I try to look at what I see in humility and speak honestly about what I know. The truth is hard to find, and I will not pretend that my honesty is “the truth.”

At this time, our nation is experiencing one of the greatest challenges it has ever experienced. Many difficult challenges are converging and many long-existing problems are being uncovered. I am an American who is doing his best to loves his country — not an “idea” about his country, but the actual country in which I find myself. This work is a small suggestion to propose an improvement of our system and improve our common brotherhood.

I believe our nation is in the middle of a great test, and we must rise to the challenge. I am confident that there are people out there who are willing to rise, but who do not know how. My highest hope is that my words can give knowledge to their courage.

And with that, my series begins with “A Christian Observation of the Current Moment.

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